Overview (II) in Writing Task I

Posted: 14 Februari 2019 in Uncategorized

Hi, everyone…

Kita akan kembali membahas mengenai bagian overview atau overall pada IELTS Writing Task I. Telah kita ketahui bahwa overview adalah penjelasan singkat atau sekilas mengenai data dari gambar atau grafik.

Namun, dalam penjelasan kali ini kita akan fokus membahas mengenai empat cara yang dapat dilakukan dalam menulis overview. Keempat cara tersebut yang pertama adalah berdasarkan kategori (contoh: gender, negara, dll), kedua berdasarkan tren (contonya: nilai tertinggi/terendah, penurunan/kenaikan, dll), ketiga berdasarkan waktu (contoh: tahun, periode, dll), dan yang terakhir berdasarkan pengukuran (contoh: perbandingan nilai rata, dll).



Example Overview:

Overall, students of both sexes performed best in Computer Science, Mathematics, and Foreign Languages, including French, German and Spanish. Results for boys and girls were roughly comparable in Computer Science and Mathematics. In other subjects,however, there were some significant differences.



Example Overview:

Overall, the consumption of margarine and butter decreased over the period given, while for low fat and reduced spreads, it rose. At the start of the period, butter was the most popular spread, which was replaced by margarine from 1991 to 2001, and following that low fat and reduced spreads became the most widely used spread in the final years.



Example Overview:

Generally, in 1980 and in 2010 the favourite attractions were the pavilion and the festival. In 1980 the least popular attraction was the pier but in 2010 this changed and the art gallery was the least popular.


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